Trademark Symbol Keyboard Shortcut on a Mac

Trademark Symbol Keyboard Shortcut on a Mac

You want to type the trademark symbol ™ and ® on a Mac? It's easy. ...

Trademark Filing Basis 1a In-Use (when to claim)

Trademark Filing Basis 1a In-Use (when to claim)

A trademark filing basis forms the legal reason for filing the application, and may be i) in use (1A), ii) proposed use (1B) or iii) a priority from a foreign filing (44E 44D or 66). Choose Trademark Filing Basis 1A or 1(a) when your trademark is already in use in the marketplace. You will be required to provide the date of first use anywhere (includes advertising, online, etc.) and the date of first use in commerce (when you were selling or receiving payment, etc.).

Does Kim Kardashian have a Trademark on her Name?

Does Kim Kardashian have a Trademark on her Name?

Kim Kardashian, US TV personality and billionaire, and her family have 98 trademarks and trademark...

Happy World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay Which Emojis are Trademarks?

Happy World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay Which Emojis are Trademarks?

Happy World Emoji Day! Which Emojis are Trademarks? Have you wondered how many emojis are trademarked? Below...

Why does the First to File get the Protection?

Why does the First to File get the Protection?

Once an application or a registration is in the Trademark Registry, the trademark is used to bar other, subsequent applications from registration in the USPTO. This means that, once filed, your trademark gains the benefit of that earlier filing date to "overcome" other, later trademarks that attempt to register. A trademark application can be challenged if a subsequent filer started using the mark previously. However, that is a big process and would take place during opposition, not through Examination.
What Trademark Class are Education and Classes in?

What Trademark Class are Education and Classes in?

Education and Classes are generally in class 41. However... US trademarks generally follow the Nice Classification...