You can only register on Amazon Brand Registry with a registered trademark

You can only register on Amazon Brand Registry with a registered trademark

  • 11 September, 2018
  • Bold Commerce Collaborator

If you already have a registered trademark for your brand name, we can register the mark with major online retailers immediately and start monitoring the brand use online.

If you don't have a registered trademark yet, you should think about getting one. Once you have a brand and have started using it, you'll want to protect it with a trademark registration. It's the only way to a long-term brand protection strategy. However, a trademark application takes a while to mature into a trademark registration. In the meantime you can benefit from a program like Amazon Brand Registry.

The application is prepared and filed with the USPTO, and becomes formalized once all the filing information is provided. Within 3 - 6 months, an Examiner will look at the application, and may raise issues with descriptiveness, or other similar marks already in the register. Most of the time the application moves on to publication once a response is filed (if necessary) and the application waits for any opposition from competitors to the registration of the trademark. If no opposition is received, then the mark will register a couple of months after that. The typical time from filing the application to registration is 6 - 9 months. 

With a registered trademark, your brand name receives federal protection across 50 states and a presumption of validity. It is also enforceable against similar marks from registration, through cease and desist letters to perpetrators and registration with online retailers and other advertisers. We can help you with this - let us know your specific requirements and we can custom tailor an enforcement package.

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August 07, 2023

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

Harsh Gaur

August 06, 2019

I have seen your blog for the first time and this information regarding trademark is very useful.

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