Trademark Fair Use - When can you use a company's trademark?

Trademark Fair Use - When can you use a company's trademark?

When is it fair use to use a company's trademark? Apple, IBM, Exxon, Facebook. There,...

Protect Your Real Estate Business with a Trademark

Protect Your Real Estate Business with a Trademark

You've worked hard to develop your real estate brand - make sure it stays yours. Real Estate...

Trademark Symbol Keyboard Shortcut on a Mac

Trademark Symbol Keyboard Shortcut on a Mac

You want to type the trademark symbol ™ and ® on a Mac? It's easy. ...

Trademark Filing Basis 1A

Trademark Filing Basis 1A

Trademark Filing Basis 1A A trademark filing basis forms the legal reason for filing the...

Does Kim Kardashian have a Trademark on her Name?

Does Kim Kardashian have a Trademark on her Name?

Kim Kardashian, US TV personality and billionaire, and her family have 98 trademarks and trademark...

Happy World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay Which Emojis are Trademarks?

Happy World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay Which Emojis are Trademarks?

Happy World Emoji Day! Which Emojis are Trademarks? Have you wondered how many emojis are trademarked? Below...