Trademark Application Status - What to look for

Trademark Application Status - What to look for

  • 03 April, 2024
  • Nyall Engfield

Monitoring the status of your trademark application or registration is an essential aspect of managing your brand's intellectual property portfolio. Understanding what to look for in your trademark status can help you navigate potential obstacles, maintain your trademark rights, and ensure that your brand remains protected. Here's a detailed guide on key aspects to consider and actions to take throughout the lifecycle of your trademark.

1. Application Status

After filing your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any corresponding international authority, it's crucial to regularly check the status. The initial stage involves the USPTO assigning a serial number to your application, which you can use to track its progress. Look for updates such as:

  • Acceptance of Application: Confirming that your application meets the minimum filing requirements.
  • Assigned to Examiner: Indicating that an examining attorney has been assigned to review your application for substantive issues.

During this period, be on the lookout for any Office Actions, which are official communications from the USPTO raising issues with your application. Office Actions can be non-final (initial concerns that can be rectified) or final (serious issues that could lead to denial). Prompt and proper responses to Office Actions are critical for moving forward in the registration process.

2. Publication for Opposition

If your application passes the examination phase, it will be published in the Official Gazette, opening a 30-day window during which third parties can oppose your trademark if they believe it infringes on their rights. During this period, monitor for:

  • No Opposition Filed: Ideally, no one challenges your application, allowing it to proceed.
  • Notice of Opposition: If opposition is filed, be prepared to defend your trademark's uniqueness and right to registration.

3. Registration or Notice of Allowance

Depending on whether your application was based on use in commerce (Section 1(a)) or intent to use (Section 1(b)), you'll receive either:

  • Notice of Allowance (NOA) for intent-to-use applications: You have six months to submit a Statement of Use (SOU), proving your trademark is in use.
  • Registration Certificate: For applications based on use, or after an SOU is accepted for intent-to-use applications, indicating your trademark is officially registered.

4. Maintaining Your Registration

Post-registration, maintaining the status of your trademark is vital. Key milestones include:

  • Section 8 Declarations: Filed between the 5th and 6th year after registration, and subsequently every ten years, these declarations affirm the continued use of your trademark in commerce.
  • Section 9 Renewals: Also due every ten years, renewals are necessary to keep your registration active.

Be vigilant for any USPTO Maintenance Documents or reminders to ensure timely compliance with renewal requirements. Missing these filings can result in your trademark being cancelled or expired.

5. Monitoring for Infringement

Even with a registered trademark, it's important to monitor the market for potential infringements. This includes:

  • Unauthorized Use: Regularly search for unapproved use of your trademark, especially in key markets and online platforms.
  • Legal Actions: Be prepared to enforce your rights through cease and desist letters or litigation if necessary.

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6. Changes and Assignments

If there are any changes to your trademark details (e.g., owner information, representation, or the mark itself), ensure these are updated with the USPTO. Additionally, if you're transferring ownership or assigning rights (recorded through a Trademark Assignment), confirm that these changes are accurately reflected in USPTO records.

7. International Registrations

For brands operating internationally, monitoring the status of your trademark in foreign jurisdictions is just as crucial. Each country has its own set of rules for registration and maintenance, so be aware of:

  • International Registration Status: Through systems like the Madrid Protocol, track your trademark’s standing in member countries.
  • Country-specific Requirements: Different countries may have unique maintenance filings or use requirements.

Monitoring your trademark status is an ongoing responsibility that requires diligence and attention to detail. From application to registration and beyond, understanding the current standing of your trademark with the USPTO and international bodies is crucial for maintaining its protection. Regularly reviewing your trademark’s status can help you identify potential issues early, respond to official inquiries or oppositions promptly, and ensure compliance with renewal and maintenance requirements. By staying informed and proactive, you can safeguard the value and integrity of your brand's most important assets—its trademarks.

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