What is intellectual property law, and what does an intellectual property attorney protect?

What is intellectual property law, and what does an intellectual property attorney protect?

The history of intellectual property (IP) can be traced back centuries, and intellectual property attorneys have been there all along, but the modern concept and legal frameworks emerged significantly in the last few centuries
How is the US trademark system different and how can a foreign applicant protect their name?

How is the US trademark system different and how can a foreign applicant protect their name?

Filing trademarks in the United States as a foreign entity can present several concerns and pitfalls that differ from domestic trademark systems. The U.S. trademark system shares some similarities with other countries' systems, but also has distinct differences. We highlight the differences and also discuss the Madrid Protocol which can provide a streamlines way of filing in the US.

Trademark Application Status - What to look for

Trademark Application Status - What to look for

Monitoring the status of your trademark application or registration is an essential aspect of managing...