Trademark Symbols - the difference between TM and R with circle

Trademark Symbols - the difference between TM and R with circle

The trademark symbol, represented as ™ superscript (for an unregistered trademark, that is, a mark...

Expungement and Reexamination - Navigating the USPTO's Trademark Reexamination Process

Expungement and Reexamination - Navigating the USPTO's Trademark Reexamination Process

The expungement and reexamination processes were introduced as part of the Trademark Modernization Act (TMA)...

Trademark Suspended - what can I do about it?

Trademark Suspended - what can I do about it?

Trademark applications can be suspended for various reasons, leading to delays in the registration process....

What is an example of a service mark?

What is an example of a service mark?

Examples of Service Marks Service marks are a type of trademark used to identify and...

How much time does it take for trademark registration?

How much time does it take for trademark registration?

How much time does it take for trademark registration? Understanding the timeline for trademark registration...

Trademark attorney prices - what does ChatGPT say about the cost of an attorney for your trademark?

Trademark attorney prices - what does ChatGPT say about the cost of an attorney for your trademark?

Most attorney fee schedules are confidential, but that doesn't stop ChatGPT. Here's what it reveals...